Digital Marketing

Concrete Proof that SEM Increases Actual Sales

If you’re list most small to medium businesses in the country, you probably wake up every morning with that nagging voice in the back of your head telling you need to participate in some level of paid search (SEM) on Google.

The problem with most small businesses is e-commerce, or should I say; a lack of e-commerce. You see, for businesses that sell products online, it’s quite easy to track every dollar that is spent in online marketing. But, for the rest of us that don’t sell our products or services online it can get tricky.

If my website simply promotes my company, products and services, how well does it do when it comes to actually affecting my sales in the store? This is the question that frustrates most SMB owners the most.

Well, fear not! Google has just released (Nov 2013) a new study that tracked the success of paid search of busineses for 3 years. The study found irevocable proof that paid search (SEM) positively affects offline sales, meaning sales in the actual physical store.

The average increase in sales was was slightly over 1.4%.

To read the article from Google visit this site.

